Charts Blast: FAQ
Jul 26, 2021
YouTube Charts allows you to see what the hottest artists, songs and music videos from around the world are. We occasionally update our Charts criteria — check here for general information about our charts.
Charts Blast Newsletter: United States
Top Songs
- The Top Songs chart highlights the number of views of a song on YouTube. It’s calculated by combining all official versions of a song including:
- The official music video
- YouTube Music streams
- User-made videos with the official song
- Lyric videos
Top Trending
- The Trending chart highlights new videos that were immediately popular upon release.
- YouTube's Trending Chart is updated many times a day which you can find here, but trending data in the newsletter is a snapshot in time of the Friday prior and will not be reflective of the position on the website.
Biggest Movers
- Songs which have had the biggest jump week-on-week on Top Songs chart
- This category excludes new songs released the week prior
Highest Debuts
- Songs that have had the highest debut of the week on 'Top Songs' chart.
Top Music Videos
- The Top Music Videos chart celebrates the music video experience on YouTube, highlighting the most viewed official music videos on the platform.